Saturday, November 17, 2012

With Jorge Quijano the new Panama Canal Administrator at the Admin Bldg. This is the same office Colonel Goethals used as the first administrator of the Panama Canal.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

 739 Corozal, the Graphics bldg for the Expansion and where I meet to review each years work. The old Corozal base (which I could never get into with Panama plates) is now the Expansion headquarters.

Reviewing the paintings for 2012. That's Ernesto Holder (manager of the division) on the right and Lina Cossich (his asst) on the left.

Monday, November 5, 2012

 A few night shots at Miraflores Locks from the center wall - reference for some night paintings. Beautiful colors at night with all the reflections in the water.

 My guard and guide at Miraflores. He kept telling me not to cross the yellow line at the edge and I pretended not to hear very well. He meant well.

While in Panama dropping off paintings for the Expansion I did a small demo painting and talk at the Museo Contemporaneo in Ancon. I used a limited palette (three colors and white) using water mixable oils and a portable easel. I stress you don't need much to get started.
Weird feeling being watched by forty people and you're just hoping you don't screw it up.
View of the work on the Atlantic side.
I did a 60 minute radio interview for a morning radio show on the Panama Broadcasting Network. Some really good questions about the paintings I'm doing for the Expansion and growing up in Panama. Thats Sandra on the left who moved to Panama from the States and Jerry who moved from England. He told me he'd never go back. Really a fun interview.

Signing their book with a drwg of Donald Duck.

Trying to act like I belong there. The top shot is me with Clifford, my driver on a visit to the Gatun locks. He seemed to have a good answer to any question about the Expansion, including a vast knowledge of the French canal effort. I thought I'd read a lot. Olvidate...
On the Atlantic side overlooking the construction of the third set of locks. Nice rainy day in Gatun. Unless there is lightning,  the work continues.

A few views of the third set of locks in Gatun. The bottom shot is one of the water culverts fed by gravity from the water basins which sit adjacent to the lock chambers.